cheryl probably long time nv read my blog already, cos i think she might have thought tt i have forgotten u, BLOG. ActuaLly, i m just too busy; BLOG u must forgive mi!
Life is just as plain except the exciting moments with cheryl. Mi just hope tt all this mugging will end soon. BTW i still have to tolerate tt idiot vincent (his attrocities are just too inhumane for mi to elaborate). I hate his insatiable, insensate, insensitive, ignorance behaviour. Always think of himself before others, some more say i so nice to bully. Wait till he eats my punch when its my last straw. Maybe i shouldnt even do it with my bare hands, dun want to dirty them! Get Tze wee to help, he recognises him!
okay, enough! I Shall not waste time talking about him!
Anyway, my mum bought mi some $488 spanish classical guitar, with a $150 hard cover. Feel a bit bad for her to play something so ex for mi, really have to learn hard to play well, so that i wun waste her money.
Cheryl's been going out quite often with her classmates, at least thats good news! Cos i think she understands tt i wun have much time with her.. Not tt i dun want to meet her, i will try mi best to squeeze my schedule to max, she tt i can see her, even for a while. Maybe i should be it this way: Cheryl is just a luxury tt i cant afford all the time.
Okay, finally, god bless everyone who is siting for A with good health and luck(except vincent), so that this horrible period will end soon! ^_^