Is your food safe?Everyday we hear a myriad of reports on how many food-borne diseases are gradually changing the way we see our diet. That we might even at a extreme decide to turn vegetarian one day. However, of course, as a Singaporean, I sincerely trust the way how our AVA's doing their job. At the same time, of course, I feel that we should not let our guards down.
Have you ever thought about how one patty in a hamburger actually involves the slaughtering of thousands of cows? Of course, it may all seem quite a nonsensical question, but that question leads to a big complication.
Modern technology has allowed better and more efficient methods of food processing. The meat that we eat nowadays may not actually come from one animal or even the same group animals from one origin. This statement is true if we take into acount of grind or smoke products like sausages, lucheon meat and many more.
In order to enhance food flavours, industries can introduce the combination of different meat from different countries for grinding in order to produce a better fat and lean meat ratio. Meat industries may mix up 2000 pounds of juicy US beef and 2000 pounds of Italian lean beef to produce a good combination. This is all facilitated with the notion of globalisation. However, at the same time, we notice how massive a risk we are taking when we mix our products together. If you were to introduce a meat slapped on its exterior with a wholesome banch of bacterics or microdes into a meat grining machine, the whole banch of produce will be contaminated!!!!! It shows how random testing of meat produce may easily fail to detect the contamination. This is a serious complication with modern methods of processing.
We realise how vulnerable at the same time when it comes to bio-terrorism. Modern technology in food processing has helped a lot to salvage the hungry stomach of the 6 billion people in the world by stepping up the speed of food processing, but at the same time it has open up a whole new problem when it comes to security.
It may seem such a trival process when it comes to eating. However, times have changed, people are doing things differently now as compared to the past. It all bounds down to that awareness whether we should still take food source for granted.