French Oral QuizThis was the most hilarious test I have ever sat.
The invigilator was some 40 plus frenchmen, wearing a flowery short-sleeve shirt with golden hair, moustache and goatie. He just looks like french mafia. Mencing looking and truly intimidating. He doesnt look like a tutor of course, but in actual fact, he is.
The oral test goes:
Invigilator: Comment allez-vous? (What's your name?)Moi: Je m' appelle Jerry. J E R R I-grec. ( I'm Jerry.)
Jovian: Je m'a ppelle Jovian. J O V I A N. (I'm Jovian.)
Invigilator: Ou habitez-vous? (Where do you live?)Moi: J' habite dans un foyer a NTU. (I live in the hostel of NTU.)
Jovian: J' habite l'ouest quartier a Singapour. C'est Jurong West. ( I live in the west side of Singapore. It's Jurong West.)
Invigilator: Est-ce que etre-vous sportif? (Are you a sportsman?)Jovian: Non, Je desteste le soleil! (No, I hate the sun!)
(I laugh, the invigilator was surprised as well.)
Jovian: Je suis homme d'art. ( I am a man of art and design.)
Invigilator: D'accord. Et toi? ( okay, and you?)Moi: Oui. Je faire du Judo et je joue au basketball. (Yes, I play judo and Basketball)
( He brightens up when i say Judo, maybe he likes hard-action fighting, haha)
Invigilator: En general, qu'est-ce que tu faire au week-end? (In general, what do you do during the weekends?)Moi: haha, Je voudrais domir au week-end. (Haha, I like to sleep during the weekends)
Invigilater: Avec qui? (With who?)(Super stunned!!!)Moi ( Thinking) : Je dome et Je ne couche pas! (I sleep and not sleep around.)
(So, I just said)
Moi: Je dome chez moi.. (I sleep at home.)
Invigilator: Vous voudrais aller discotheques? (You like to go clubbing?)Moi: Non. (No.)
Jovian: Oui. Je vais surtout a Zouk et MOS dimanche. ( Yes, I go especially to Zouk and MOS on Sunday)
( Invigilator's damn happy that people like to go clubbing, like him. I am imagine him hugging girls!!!)
Invigilator: Est-ce que vous savez un petit ami? (You have a girlfriend?)Jovian: Non. (No.)
Invigilator: Pourquoi? (Why?)Jovian was stunned for a while, dunno how to answer, hehe)
Invigilator: Qu'est-ce que vos parents profession? (What's your parents working as?)Moi: Mon pere est homme d'affaires et ma mere reste a la maison. (My dad's a business man and my mother just stays at home.)
(Shit, dunno what is the word for housewife in french)
Invigilator: D'accord. Merci. ( Okay. Thank you.)Jovian and Moi: Merci et Au revoir.... (Thank you and goodbye...)